EPE Award for Seddik BACHA

The Executive Board of the EPE Association and the power electronics community have selected Seddik Bacha (University Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes) as the winner of the EPE 2021 Award for Outstanding Service.

2021 EPE Outstanding Service Award for Seddik BACHA

«  As  reason  for  his  nomination,  the  award  committee  cited  his  exceptional contribution to the field of electrical engineering, notably through his research work on the modelling and control of power electronics systems dedicated to networks, the integration of renewable energies and finally the optimal real-time control of energy systems.
Seddik also  contributed significantly to the organisation of the EPE'20 ECCE Europe conference in Lyon in his role as co-chair  of  the  organising  committee,  where  his  efforts were greatly appreciated.
Congratulations Seddik »
award Seddik Bacha

The award is offered annually for achievements and the contributions of the nominees are evaluated by considering the support and services they have provided to the different activities (conferences, chapter meetings, scientific committees, executive committee, EPE bodies, publications, etc.).

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