The research project MIPSE (acronym for "Modeling of Interconnected Power Systems") aims to develop a multi-level and multi-method simulation platform dedicated to low and average frequency computational electromagnetics. Based on their experience from the development of FLUX suite but also on InCa3D software, researchers and engineers from G2Elab have begun to develop a new generation of electromagnetic solver:
- Developing a software platform for the fast prototyping and robust low and medium frequencies formulations
- Integrating several numerical methods that can be hybridized (finite elements, boundary and volume integral method, 0D solver circuit type) to take advantage of each of them,
- Ensuring high performance thanks to parallel computing and matrix compression technics for integral formulations (Fast Multipole Method & Adaptive Cross Approximation)
- Providing an efficient and robust development environment.
Today, the group MIPSE has a strong growth in G2Elab with 3 researchers, 2 engineers and 6 PhD students and postdocs. The platform now exceeds 100,000 lines of code and is developed in Java. This accessible and modular technology allows us to consider its deployment beyond the laboratory. The platform is supported by the company ALTAIR. Commercial versions of the platform has already been used by DGA, DCNS and Schneider Electric.
Eddy currents in a body car computed by integral volume method