Academic collaborations :
French universities : AMPERE, Institut NEEL, IMEP, SATIE, LAAS, LAPLACE, LEGI, LEPMI, L2EP
Foreign universities : The University of Nottingham (UK), Gdansk University of Technology (Poland), Sharif University of Technology (Iran), Shiraz University (Iran), The University of Tehran (Iran), CPES Virginia Tech (USA), University of Arkansas (USA), Dartmouth College (USA), Univ of Ain Temouchent (Algérie), Berner Fachhochschule (CH), NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway).
Industry collaborations :
Adis, Alstom, CEA-INES, CEA-LETI, CEA-LITEN, Cedrat, CNES, Eaton, Ecoways, Freemens, Hager, Labinal, Liebherr, Luxol, Exxelia Magnetics, Mitsubishi, Schneider-Electric, Siemens, Sirepe, Thalès, Supergrid, Vedecom, Valeo, Safran, Airbus, Zodiac Aerospace, Hager, SNCF, Altair, Adeneo.