Equipe EP chercheur manip

Mamaatec project

MAMAATEC project aim is to develop and push industrialization of a design and prototyping technology, fast and automatic in power electronics in partnership with MAATEL company. Involved people are 3 PhDs, 1 IT engineer and 2 researcher/professor from G2Elab and several experts from Maatel company. The project is focused on technology maturation and development of a tool available online. These two developments are expected to answer industrial needs in terms of power converter design robustness and effectiveness as well as fast responses.
Based on a modular approach, the technology developed at G2Elab ensure design and production of power converters from conversion standard cells. Thanks to standardization and abstraction levels, automated design in power electronics is becoming possible.  
Within the project, two main research focus are carried out thanks to funding and experts:
  • Technology development and maturation of a technology platform with a focus on behavioral modeling, impact of component dispersion and EMI qualification, both conducted and radiated.
  • Web application development for automated design from specification declare. Available online to design and check main characteristic of modular power converters.
In spite of contractualization delays in 2020, followed by the sanitary crisis, the project goes on with the objectives to deliver end 2021 a set of prototypes, design method and tools.  


Illustration pictures :

Picture of the characterization test bench, designed during the project in order to develop behavioral models from which are modular converter can be designed.
Modular converter design and manufacture thank to the Mamaatec platform to answer the specification form an early adopter of the technology.
Picture top and bottom of the conversion standard cell, developed within the Mamaatec project.
Screenshot of the web application front page dedicated to modular converter design. Developed during the project, improved from a prototype version, the tool provides expected converter characteristics, following design steps.

Participants :

G2Elab : Théo Lamorelle, Andre Andréta, Glauber de Freitas Lima, Remi Poignon, Yves Lembeye and Jean-Christophe Crébier
Maatel : Christophe Podvin, Xavier Moulin, several engineers and experts in design and industrialization from MAATEL company.

Participants and Financements:

MAATEL company and Electrical Engineering lab (G2Elab). Funding management from INPG-SA company and Grenoble-INP, institute for Management and Engineering.
Fond FEDER : FEDER funding 61% of total cost of the project.
MAATEL company : Specific funding contract for project
Grenoble-INP et UGA on their own expenses: Salaries an environment for R. Poignon IT engineer, Y. Lembeye et J.C Crébier, G2Elab researchers
maatel     FEDER