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Smart electrification towards energy transition

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Think Smartgrids thesis prize: 2 G2Elab theses awarded

Published on March 5, 2021
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Each year, the Think Smartgrids association rewards young researchers with an award for the quality of their work and their contributions to smart grids and the energy transition from a sustainable development perspective.



Supporting innovation and young researchers: Think Smartgrids has awarded its "Thesis Prizes"

The “smart grids” thesis prize was awarded on January 28th to four PhDs by the association’s Scientific Council, chaired by Nouredine Hadjsaid (GrenobleINP) and Pierre Mallet (Enedis). The winners had the opportunity to present their theses to industry professionals at the association’s awards ceremony, and won €2,000 for the women’s and men’s prizes, and €1,000 for the two “Special” prizes, funded by RTE, Enedis and EDF.

The prize in the women’s category, awarded to Audrey Moulichon (Grenoble-Alpes University, G2Elab and Gipsa-lab), rewarded her work on the design of a "virtual synchronous generator" system to stabilize electric microgrids that integrate a high proportion of renewable energy (RE).

A "Coup de Coeur" was awarded to Barnabé Potel (G2Elab) for its work on the evolution of the under-frequency load shedding mechanism, with an in-depth reflection on the design and implementation of load-shedding, which aims to maintain the balance between production and consumption by temporarily disconnecting a load.

To know more about it...
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Date of update March 5, 2021

Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Grenoble
Bâtiment GreEn-ER, 21 avenue des martyrs, CS 90624
38031 Grenoble CEDEX 1

LMMCF site - Herbeys
MINATEC site - CIME Nanotech - Grenoble  

République Française        
Université Grenoble Alpes