Full Professor
Graduate Program Director
Graduate School of Engineering Energy Water and Environment
2011 : Research Director, Université de Grenoble
2003 : PhD in Electrical Engineering, Polytechnical Institute of Grenoble
2000 : MSc in Engineer in Electrical Engineering, Polytechnical Institute of Grenoble
Research activities and supervision in electromagnetism :
Since September 2004, I am lecturer in the electrical engineering and compute science at the Institut of Technology (UGA/IUT1). My research lab is the G2ELab, MAGE team. I started a research activity focused on models, methods and tools for the design of magnetic microsystems whose main themes are:
I have supervised 3 theses on the microsystems application :
- electromagnetism modeling for pre-sizing (fast calculation, sensitivity)
- optimization under multi-physical, technological and economic constraints
- design robustness. Analysis of the tolerances of the systems (manufacturing, ...) on the performances being sized.
- and the system approach: coupling of calculation methods, coupling of models.
I have supervised 3 theses on the microsystems application :
- 28/11/2007 - Hichem CHETOUANI, « Microsystems and micromanipulation with diamagnetic levitation: design, production and application to digital microfluidic and biology », with Gibert REYNE.
- 29/11/2007 - Lalao Harijaona RAKOTOARISON « Method and tool for the automatic generation of model for highly constrained optimization of magnetic microsystems ». with Orphée CUGAT.
- 11/10/2011 - Phuong PHAM QUANG, « Magneto-mechanical modeling of nano switch. Reliable constrained optimization by automatic differentiation of Java programs ». with Jean-Louis COULOMB.
- I also collaborated on 7 theses in this field (H. Rostaing 2004, N. Achotte 2005, J. Stepanek 2005, Ch Pigot 2008, P. Kauffman 2009, H. Allag 2010, JLG Janssen 2011) which gave rise each time to one or more common publications.
- 26/05/2011 - Abdelhadi BESRI, « Modelling and optimization of high frequency planar transformers », with Jean-Pierre KERADEC.
- 25/10/2012 - Abir REZGUI, « Electromagnetic model interoperability during design cycle through complementary supports: VHDL-AMS Language and ICAr software components », with Laurent GERBAUD.
- 18/12/2012 - Christophe RUBECK, « High performance computation of integral formula for low frequency electromagnetism - Integration, wavelet matrix compression and solving on GPGPU ». with Jean-Paul YONNET and Olivier CHADEBEC
- 22/02/2018 - Mateus LEITE, « Building Reduced Order Models for Dynamical Simulation and Optimization of Numerical Electromagnetic Models », with Jean-Michel GUICHON, in co-tutelle with UFMG Brazil - João Antônio DE VASCONCELOS
Research activities and supervision in building energy:
Since 2009, I have focused my work on a system approach and concentrate my research on the field of energy efficiency of buildings. This new area is a major environmental issue; it also has such characteristics that the stakes of research and scientific locks are numerous. Thus, in the continuity of my research on the modeling, simulation, design of electromagnetic systems, I'm going deeper in methodologies related to the system simulation, the optimization and the management of uncertainties. I also tackle new topics such as optimal in-situ management and actively participate in the scientific and technical community of thermal simulation of the building (co-writing of a white paper, management platform, animation of thematic schools ...)
In the field of "energy efficiency of buildings", 7 theses supported and 4 theses in progress:
In the field of "energy efficiency of buildings", 7 theses supported and 4 theses in progress:
- 18/10/2012 - Sana GAALOUL « interoperability based on modelica and software component standards for the energy simulation of buildings », with Frédéric WURTZ.
- 04/11/2014 - Hoang Anh DANG, « Energetic modelling of a commercial building for the design and the optimal operation », with Frédéric WURTZ.
- 09/11/2015 : Mathilde Grandjacques, "Methods and tools for uncertainty propagation through energy buildings simulations", with Olivier ADROT (G-Scop).
- 25/01/2016 : Nils ARTIGES, "Instrumentation of the building envelope for the diagnosis and monitoring of energy performance - system of autonomous sensors for real time identification of states and parameters.", with Franck Vial (CEA / LETI) and Alexandre Nassiopoulos (IFSTTAR).
- 29/06/2016 : Audrey LE MOUNIER, "optimal energy management of buildings by models identified by measures", with Stéphane PLOIX (G-Scop).
- 13/12/2016 : Binh Van DINH, "Optimal design of buildings over their life cycle", with Frédéric Wurtz.
- 12/12/2017 Abbass RAAD, "Co-simulation and multi-criteria optimization of building", with Frédéric Wurtz.
- 2016 -> oct 2019 : Camille Pajot, « OMEGAlpes: Decision support tool for a
optimal multi-fluids energy planning for
neighborhood scale » with Yves MARECHAL - 2017 -> oct 2020 : Thi Tuyet Hong VU, « Nearly zero Energy Building: Energy modeling and Optimal control with Internet of Thing application for Building » Co-directeur de thèse et encadrant à 50%, avec Dr. Nguyen Dinh Quang (USTH – Vietnam).
- 2018 -> oct 2021 : Salman SHAHID, “Design and experiment nudge-type signals, to act on household energy signatures and optimize building / network interaction » with Béatrice Roussillon (GAEL).
- 2018 -> nov 2021 : Prasaant BALASUNDARAM, “Calibration and uncertainties of a semi-virtual approach for assessing the performance of building technologies" with Stéphane PLOIX (G-Scop) and Cristian MURESAN (ENGIE).
- 2019 -> nov 2022 : Sacha Hodencq, “Models, methods and tools for a collaborative and open design approach of electrical components and systems for the energy transition" with Frederic Wurtz
Main collaborations
Vesta-Systems, EnerBee, GEG, ATOS, ENGIE, Schneider Electric, Cedrat, CEA-LETI, CSTB, LOCIE, CEA-LIST...
Scientific publications
research teams
Main site
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+33(0)4 76 82 62 77
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Domaine Universitaire
BP 45
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex
Bureau 008D
+33(0)4 76 82 62 77
fax +33(0)4 76 82 63 00