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Soutenance de thèse de Barnabé POTEL

Publié le 15 juillet 2020
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20 juillet 2020

Soutenance de thèse de
Barnabé POTEL intitulée
"Design of the future Low Frequency Demand Disconnection scheme"

En raison des restrictions dues à la Covid-19, seul un nombre restreint de personnes pourra assister à la soutenance en présentiel mais vous pouvez assister à la soutenance à distance au lien suivant :

Lundi 20 Juillet à 13h30

site GreEn-ER
21 avenue des Martyrs
38000 Grenoble.

Accès Tram B, arrêt Cité internationale

Lundi 20 Juillet



The main objective of the thesis was to investigate the capacity of complying to  the requirements of the Network Code on Emergency & Restoration, which relates to the defense plan, in the French electrical system. This is done in taking into account the material constraints of control-command equipment currently used on the French grid. The second objective of the thesis was to conduct a long-term reflection on the "Future load shedding plan", in particular in the context of the increase in decentralized production, whose impact on the frequency-metric load shedding current plan remains to be analyzed. Indeed, with the increase in decentralized production, would the performance of the distribution grid frequency load shedding-metric decrease ?

Les membres du jury sont :

Monsieur Bertrand RAISON, Professor, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Examiner
Monsieur Marc PETIT, Professor, CentraleSupélec, Reviewer
Monsieur Lukas SIGRIST, Associate Professor, IIT Comillas, Reviewer
Monsieur Urban RUDEZ, Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana, Invited
Monsieur Amiraly VALIBHAY, Engineer, PhD, Enedis, invited
Monsieur Vincent DEBUSSCHERE, Associate Professor, Grenoble INP, Director of the PhD
Monsieur Florent CADOUX, Tenured of the Smart Grids Enedis Chair, Grenoble INP, Co-Director of the PhD

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mise à jour le 15 juillet 2020

Université Grenoble Alpes