G2Elab rubrique Labo 2022

La création d'une seule université de classe mondiale: la future nouvelle Université Grenoble Alpes

IDEX Project: Université Grenoble Alpes - The world-class innovation university

The ambition shared by the partners of the project – the universities Joseph Fourier, Pierre Mendès France and Stendhal; the grandes écoles Grenoble INP, Sciences Po Grenoble and ENSAG; the national research organisms CNRS, CEA, Inserm, Inria, Irstea; and the university hospital CHU Grenoble – is focused on creating a single world-class university: the future new University Grenoble Alpes. This new model of university will reinforce our capacity to attract leading scholars and students, develop ground-breaking research and competitive curricula. UGA will be a fully integrated institution. Read more ...