
Researcher (2000)
Ph.D. Energetic Physic from the Grenoble INP (1998)
HDR (Habilitation research) from the Univ. Grenoble Alpes, (2014)
Research expertise and interest
My research focuses on the investigation of physics of electrical discharges in liquids: heat transfet, fluid phase transition, transport properties in fluids (viscosity, mobility, etc.) , shock wave, bubbles dynamic, equation of state of fluids (compressibility).
Thermal transfert
Introduction to algorithms
Office tools (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Supervised Thesis
Free Mathematica applications
click here. (server currently disabled by the laboratory direction)
Below are other links to download the Mathematica programs:
- EOSViscoDiffH2O associated with the following publication: “A New Single Equation of State to Describe the Dynamic Viscosity and Self-Diffusion Coefficient for all Fluid Phases of Water from 200 K to 1800 K Based on a New Original Microscopic Model”, Physics of Fluids, 33(11), 117112 (2021);
- EOSPotassium associated with the following publication: “New equations of state describing both the dynamic viscosity and self-diffusion coefficient for potassium and thallium in their fluid phases”, Physics of Fluids, 34(1), 017112 (2022);
- Heat transfer modeling of a new radiation calorimeter associated with the following publication: "Analytical heat transfer modeling of a new radiation calorimeter", Thermochimica Acta, 633, pp. 56-68 (2016);
- NewEOSArgon associated with the following publication: “A New Non-Extensive Equation of State for the Fluid Phases of Argon, Including the Metastable States, from the Melting Line to 2300 K and 50 GPa”, Fluids, 8(5), 102 (2024);
My publications
click here
Co-author of a book in 3 volumes.
Pour aller plus loin:
- HMS Challenger : 26 800 lieues sur les mers (émission La Méthode Scientifique par Nicolas Martin)
- Une expérience scientifique au XIXe siècle dans le puits Verpilleux
- À cinq mille mètre sous la mer, la pêche miraculeuse du Challenger (Sciences et Avenir, numéro spécial 218 juillet/septembre 2024, pages 32-33)
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Research team
Liquids compressibility, electrical discharge, mobility, heat transfert, viscosity, phase change, mobility, shock wave, bubbles dynamic
G2Elab – GreEn-ER – Office 5-C-026
21 rue des martyrs
38031 Grenoble
Tél : +33 (0)4 56 52 86 93
21 rue des martyrs
38031 Grenoble
Tél : +33 (0)4 56 52 86 93