Associate Professor
- Engineering school ENSIEG Grenoble-INP, 2007
- PhD of Grenoble INP in electrical engineering, 2009
- PhD of Grenoble INP in electrical engineering, 2009
Running responsabilities
- Responsible of the research master ENEL (Electrical Energy)
- Responsible for the Power Systems option of IEE (Electrical Engineering) department of the third year of ENSE3 school
- Responsible for the Power Systems option of IEE (Electrical Engineering) department of the third year of ENSE3 school
Reseach Activities
Future electrical networks must be accessible, economic and reliable. They must provide access to all the actors and in particular facilitate the penetration of renewable energies. The must be economic by managing the overall system energy efficiency and the energy policy (competition, deregulation). They must be reliable to satisfy the social expectations that are more and more dependent on the electrical energy. This can be reached by introducing more flexibility so that to satisfy the expectations off all the actors.
My research interest, the Smart Grids are the key to reach these new objectives. That is why I am investigating on:
My research interest, the Smart Grids are the key to reach these new objectives. That is why I am investigating on:
- The research of new architectures for distribution network in order to increase the distributed generation penetration,
- The stochastic optimization of investment choices in the distribution network,
- The impact of the different flexibility levers on the distribution network investment
- The stochastic optimization of investment choices in the distribution network,
- The impact of the different flexibility levers on the distribution network investment
Teaching Activities
I am teaching to students from Grenoble-INPENSE3, university of Energy, Water and Environment. The different classes I give are:
- Electrical equipment implementation (Labs, 1st year),
- Electrical network constitution (Labs, 1st year)
- Electronic for Interfacing and Instrumentation (Labs, 1st year)
- Digital electronic (Labs, 1st year)
- Transformers and electrical networks (Course, 2ème année)
- Electrical network modeling and management (Labs, 2nd year)
- Smart grids : advanced functions for the integration of renewables (Labs, 3rd year)
- Electrical network constitution (Labs, 1st year)
- Electronic for Interfacing and Instrumentation (Labs, 1st year)
- Digital electronic (Labs, 1st year)
- Transformers and electrical networks (Course, 2ème année)
- Electrical network modeling and management (Labs, 2nd year)
- Smart grids : advanced functions for the integration of renewables (Labs, 3rd year)
Main industrial collaborations
- 2010 – 2014 : KIC INNOENERGY (Smart Power project, Sweden)
- Since 2010 : collaboration with Schneider Electric (patents development)
- Since September 2011: collaboration with the local DSO GEG inside the
Greenlys project (Smart Grids demonstrator project)
- Since September 2013:
. collaboration with ERDF,
. collaboration with RWTH Aachen through the European project EVOLVDSO.
- Since 2010 : collaboration with Schneider Electric (patents development)
- Since September 2011: collaboration with the local DSO GEG inside the
Greenlys project (Smart Grids demonstrator project)
- Since September 2013:
. collaboration with ERDF,
. collaboration with RWTH Aachen through the European project EVOLVDSO.
2013 Publications
- International conferences
Gandioli, C., Tixador, P., Alvarez-Herault, M. C., & Hadjsaid, N. (2013, June). Impact of the superconducting fault current limiters in distribution network architecture. In PowerTech (POWERTECH), 2013 IEEE Grenoble (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C., Battegay, A., Gandioli, C., Descloux, J., Hadjsaid, N., & Tixador, P. (2013, June). Maximal DG indicator to quantify the efficiency of Smart Grid solutions regarding renewable penetration. In PowerTech (POWERTECH), 2013 IEEE Grenoble (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C., Battegay, A., Gandioli, C., Descloux, J., Hadjsaid, N., & Tixador, P. (2013, June). Maximal DG indicator to quantify the efficiency of Smart Grid solutions regarding renewable penetration. In PowerTech (POWERTECH), 2013 IEEE Grenoble (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- International papers
Gandioli, C., Alvarez-Herault, M., Tixador, P., Hadjsaid, N., & Medina, D. R. (2013). Innovative distribution networks planning integrating superconducting fault current limiters. Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on, 23(3), 5603904-5603904.
2012 Publications
2012 Publications
- Patent
Deschamps, P., Alvarez-Hérault, M. C. (2012, May). Method and device for determining the structure of a power grid, EP N° 2458340
- International papers
Alvarez-Herault, M. C., Caire, R., Raison, B., Hadjsaid, N., & Bienia, W. (2012). Optimizing traditional urban network architectures to increase distributed generation connection. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 35(1), 148-157.
- Book chapters
Alvarez-Herault, M. C., Raison, (2012). Le transport de l'électricité. Mosseri, R., & Jeandel, C. (2013). L'énergie À Découvert.
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C., Caire, R., & Raison, B. (2012). Architecture, Planning and Reconfiguration of Distribution Grids. Smartgrids, 131-196.
2011 Publications
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C., Caire, R., & Raison, B. (2012). Architecture, Planning and Reconfiguration of Distribution Grids. Smartgrids, 131-196.
2011 Publications
- Patent
Alvarez-Herault, M. C., & Deschamps, P. (2011). U.S. Patent Application 13/373,301.
- International conference
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C., Caire, R., Raison, B., Hadjsaid, N., & Kiény, C. (2011, July). Design of a flexible architecture to integrate renewables in electric distribution grids. In Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2011 IEEE (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
- Book chapter
Alvarez?Hérault, M. C., Caire, R., Martino, S., Andrieu, C., & Raison, B. (2011). Characteristics of Distribution Networks. Electrical Distribution Networks, 41-82.
- International papers
Alvarez-Herault, M. C., Picault, D., Caire, R., Raison, B., HadjSaid, N., & Bienia, W. (2011). A novel hybrid network architecture to increase DG insertion in electrical distribution systems. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 26(2), 905-914.
2010 Publications
2010 Publications
- Patent
Deschamps, P., & Alvarez-Hérault, M. C. (2010). Procédé et dispositif de détermination de la structure d'un réseau de distribution d'électricité.
- International conferences
Hadjsaid, N., Alvarez-Herault, M., Caire, R., Raison, B., Descloux, J., & Bienia, W. (2010, July). Novel architectures and operation modes of Distribution Network to increase DG integration. In Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010 IEEE (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C., Caire, R., Hadjsaid, N., Descloux, J., Raison, B., & Bienia, W. (2010, June). Investigation of new distribution grid architecture for accomodating higher dg penetration rate. In CIRED Workshop.
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C., Caire, R., Hadjsaid, N., Descloux, J., Raison, B., & Bienia, W. (2010, June). Investigation of new distribution grid architecture for accomodating higher dg penetration rate. In CIRED Workshop.
- Book chapters
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C., Caire, R., Martino, S., Andrieu, C., & Raison, B. (2010). Caractéristique des réseaux de distribution. La distribution d'énergie électrique en présence de production décentralisée.
- International papers
Enacheanu, B., ALVAREZ, M. C., Roupioz, G., Raison, B., Caire, R., Bienia, W., ... & Devaux, O. (2010). Reconfiguration des réseaux électriques de distribution: Méthodologie de reconfiguration temporelle pour la réduction des pertes Joule. European journal of electrical engineering, 13(4), 427-461.
2009 Publications
2009 Publications
- Doctorate manuscript
Alvarez-Hérault, M. C. (2009). Architectures des réseaux de distribution du futur en présence de production décentralisée (Doctoral dissertation, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG).
- International papers
Enacheanu, B., Alvarez, M. C., Raison, B., Caire, R., Bienia, W., Devaux, O., & Hadjsaid, N. (2009). Optimal meshed distribution network configuration. International Review of Electrical Engineering, 4(5), 957-966.
2008 Publications
2008 Publications
- International conferences
M-C. Alvarez, R. Caire, B. Raison, N. Hadjsaid, B. Enacheanu, O. Devaux, R. Jeannot, I-SUP 2008 (Innovation For Sustainable Production), Bruges 22-55-Avril 2008, « Distribution Network Long-Term Planning Methods Comparison With Respect to DG Penetration »
Research Team
Keywords :
Smart Grids, réseaux de distribution, nouvelles architectures, optimisation, théorie des graphes, production décentralisée
G2Elab - ENSE3
Domaine Universitaire
BP 46
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex
Bureau D 1217
Tél: +33 (0)4 76 82 71 95
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 63 00
Domaine Universitaire
BP 46
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex
Bureau D 1217
Tél: +33 (0)4 76 82 71 95
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 63 00