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L’électrification intelligente au service de la transition énergétique

Smart electrification towards energy transition

> Le laboratoire > Annuaire

CUGAT Orphée

Senior CNRS researcher



Running responsabilities

Head of Mag-MEMS Team
Member of the G2ELab laboratory's board

Reseach Activities

Mag-MEMS applied to micro-energy (Power-MEMS) and Biology (Lab-on-Chip)

Teaching Activities

Microsystems / Micro-Sources @ Ense3, Phelma, Nanotech, IUT GEII
Classes in French & English

Main industrial collaborations

Institut Néel / Nano (Nora Dempsey : integration of functionnal materials)
LETI/CEA / DCOS (Bernard Viala : energy harvesting, Power-MEMS)
LMGP (F. Bruckert & M. Weidenhaupt : biology, lab-on-chip)
TIMA / MNS (Skandar Basrour: energy harvesting)


Date of update April 2, 2019

en français

Research Team

Keywords :
Microsystèmes, MEMS, Mag-MEMS, Power-MEMS


G2Elab - ENSE3
Domaine Universitaire
BP 46
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex

Bureau D008D Campus

Tél:  +33 456 52 94 31 (2 94 31)
Fax: +33 476 82 63 00
Université Grenoble Alpes