G2Elab rubrique Labo 2022


Associate Professor


Member of SYREL team



2010–présent : Associate Professor, Grenoble INP, G2Elab / ENSE3.

2009–2010 : Assistant Professor, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan), SATIE team SETE / ENS Cachan, electrical engineering dpt.

2006–2009 : PhD student, École normale supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan), SATIE team SETE / ENS Cachan, electrical engineering dpt.

2005–2006 : Master thesis, École normale supérieure de Cachan (ENS Cachan) and Université Paris XI, Orsay et Supélec, electrical engineering dpt.

Responsibilities in progress

  • Member of the GDRI CNERGIE (International French-Singaporean Research Group);
  • Track co-coordinator of the international master in Electrical Engineering for Smart Grid and Buildings (responsible of the first year);
  • Responsible of the international relations of the “Energy systems and associated markets” department of the ENSE3 Engineering school (Grenoble INP);
  • Responsible of the seminars of external speakers for the SYREL team (G2ELab)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the JCGE National Conference since 2013;
  • Scientific responsibility of 3 industrial contracts;

Research activities

Power grids are an assembly of complex heterogeneous systems whose interactions are not systematically controlled (blackouts can occur!). Their behavior, which could be described as chaotic, and the fact that these systems are multi-scale leads to uncertainty for a significant amount of their components.
The control of the electrical system therefore requires the best possible anticipation of its operational trajectory. This is not just a matter of predicting renewable production, but of predicting the trajectory of the entire system. In fact, the European-wide “energy transition” and the emergence of smart grids related capabilities opens up important perspectives for the management of electricity grids, from several points of view.
I chose to guide my research on integrating renewable energies. In this context, the objective is to act on all existing, or future, levers in order to maximize the integration capacity of energy grids for renewable, under constraint of acceptable operation(considering the stability, robustness and resilience of grids) with as objective the sustainable development of the global electricity system, considering criteria with technical, economic, environmental and societal aspects.
This research is aimed directly at contributing to answering the energy challenges of tomorrow, working to improve the accessibility and reliability of an increasingly flexible grid. The research is more specifically on:
  • Action on load curves for better flexibility:
    • Estimation and control of the residential and tertiary flexibility of smart buildings and neighborhoods. Development of new methods of energy management by taking into account new components of energy storage and mixed economic and environmental criteria. Perspectives for net positive territories.
  • Action on renewable production means:
    • Control of renewable energy production by addition, sizing and optimal control of energy storage to better address the energy markets as well as offer system services
    • Sustainable design of a hydropower generation solution for developing countries and production curve management in an isolated micro-grid
  • Operational management of the distribution grid:
    • Technic and economic modeling and optimization under uncertainty (merit order curve) of all existing and new flexibilities available to distribution system operators in order to better respond to typical grid events over a 24-hour horizon considering variable renewable energy integration (through scenarios).
    • Stability of low inertia grids (due to the integration of renewable energy) in the context of the interconnection of developing countries
  • Microgrids operation :
    • Definition of the concept of stability for microgrids in isolated tropical environment. Theoretical and experimental development of new control methods for the stability of these grids
    • Development of solutions to overcome the loss of inertia due to the integration of renewable energy (virtual synchronous generator solution and other virtual inertia provisioning).
    • Long-term planning of microgrids under constraint of operational stability: how to start from a situation without any grid and gradually build up steps of parallel implementation of microgrids that end up being interconnected.
  • Long-term prospective of energy systems:
    • Taking into account the integration of storage in the planning of low voltage grids
    • Perspective of evolution of the energy mix of European countries according to several scenarios (climate, "business as usual", etc.) by coupling an economic modeling of the evolution of the European energy system and a technical modeling of the electricity grid (from transport to distribution), taking into account technical, economic and environmental criteria.
    • Near-optimal evaluation and sizing of the connection architectures of off-shore wind farms to the transmission grid
  • Author of 10 publications in scientific journals, 40 scientific conferences;
  • Author of 1 book chapter;
  • Direction or co-direction of more than 10 PhD theses (5 graduated and 6 currently supervised).

Teaching activities

Professor at l'ENSE3 (Grenoble INP) since 2010 (300h on average each year).
  • Economics and sustainable development (conference course, 1st year);
  • Electric energy (practical work, 1st year);
  • MicroGrids, smartGrids and supergrids (computer lab, 3rd year) - in English;
  • Electrical engineering for nuclear power (lecture, 2nd year);
  • Modeling, design and dispatch of smart power (computer lab and projects, 2nd year) - in English;
  • Design of electrical devices and systems (lecture and computer lab, 3rd year);
  • Advanced energy conversion (lecture, computer lab and project, 3rd year);
  • Innovative components for smart grids (lectures, computer lab and project, 3rd year) - in English;
  • Distributed generation (project, 3rd year) - in English;
  • Energy conversion for renewables (lecture and practical work, 2nd year) - in English.

Main collaborations

International Academic Collaborations
  • NTU, Singapore
    • GDRI CNERGIE International Research Group (integration of variable renewable energies in microgrids, resilience and stability).
  • Finlande, Univ. Oulu
    • Perspective of energy systems by 2050 based on environmental criteria.
    • Management of energy flows, based on environmental criteria, in a smart district with integration of variable renewable energy, innovative storage of energy and electric vehicles.
  • Indonesia, Institute Teknologi Bandung
    • Stability of isolated microgrids in a tropical environment.
    • Design and integration of eco-designed turbines.
  • Vietnam (Danang University)
    • Centralized control language for decentralized management of intelligent distribution grid.
  • IkerLann (Basque Country)
    • Association of storage and solar production to address the energy markets.
  • Vito (Belgium) and RSE (Italy)
    • Optimal operational planning tool for flexibilities for a 24-hour distribution grid manager.
  • India, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
    • Disaggregation techniques of the load curve to estimate flexibility reserves.
National Academic Collaborations
  • LIG (Grenoble)
    • Time series (applied on load curve to estimate flexibility reserves).
    • Communication in smart grids (language for centralized control and distributed computing)
  • GIPSA (Grenoble)
    • Control of a virtual synchronous generator solution.
    • Optimal load management in residential micro-grids.
  • CEA and GAEL (Grenoble)
    • Long-term perspective of European energy systems.
  • L2EP (Lille)
    • Nearly optimal design of connection architecture of offshore wind turbines to electricity transmission grids

Industrial collaborations
    • Study of the reconfiguration of the frequency-metric relays.
  • Schneider Electric
    • Stability of microgrids.
    • Virtual synchronous generator solution.
  • ITE Supergrid
    • Nearly optimal design of connection architecture of offshore wind turbines to electricity transmission grids

en français

Research team

Keywords :
Smart Grids ; Power system operational planning; Massive integration of renewable energy resources; Distributed storage systems; Blackout prevention, system resilience and restoration; Aggregation of distributed energy resources; Flexible demand; Data-driven modeling techniques; Machine learning, statistics and computational intelligence; Forecasting methods; Complex systems optimization; Modeling and environmental impacts evaluation for power systems design.


G2Elab - ENSE3
Bâtiment GreEn-ER
21 avenue des martyrs
CS 90624
38031 Grenoble Cedex 1

Bureau 4-B-018

00 33 (0)4 76 82 62 89