G2Elab rubrique Labo 2022


Associate Professor


B. Eng. Paris Sud - Orsay 2002

M. Eng. Paris Sud - Orsay 2004

PhD. Paris Sud - Orsay (LGEP) 2007

Since 2008 Associate Professor at G2Elab-UJF

Running responsabilities

Team member of the Electrical Engineering sector at the Faculty of Physics

Coordinator of the Passerelle IUT-L3 Electrical Engineering

Reseach Activities

My research focuses on the study and modeling of multiphysics coupling and particularly electro-magneto-thermo-mechanical couplings. The problem is addressed both in terms of experimental characterization and modeling. This work aims to better understand the physical mechanisms involved in the coupling phenomena in order to propose a suitable modeling.

In general, this research applies to materials for sensors and actuators. They mainly concern the so-called active materials (piezoelectric, giant magnetostrictive materials...), which exploit properties of multiphysics coupling for converting an initial signal (eg a magnetic field) into a signal of a different physical nature (eg a deformation). The ultimate goal of these studies is to provide laws adapted to numerical computing (like finite elements method) for the design of devices based on smart materials.

Teaching Activities

  • Introduction to the electrical engineering (CM/TD/TP)
  • Project in power electronics (BE)
  • Design of electrical energy conversion systems (CM/TD/TP)
  • Numerical modelling (CM/TD/TP)
  • Distribution and electrical safety (TP)
  • Electrical energy conversion systems I (TP)
  • Passerelle IUT-L3GE (CM/TD/TP)

Students currently supervised

Anthony Carpentier, Phd Student 2010 (Coupling finite elements and moments methods: Application to the multiphysics modeling of hybrid µ-systems)

Thomas Lafont, Phd Student 2010 (Hybrid magnetostrictive piezoelectric actuator)

Amin Frikha, M.Eng 2010 (Modeling of an actuator based on the magneto-electric effects)

Guillaume Roudet, M.Eng 2009 (Development of a pedagogical experimentation of Maglev)

Main collaborations

Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris (LGEP - France)

The theme of my research also involves collaborations with the research groups µ-Magnetic Systems and MAGE of the G2Elab


X. Mininger, N. Galopin, Y. Dennemont, F. Bouillault, 3D finite element model for magnetoelectric sensors, The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics - à paraître.

N. Galopin, X. Mininger, F. Bouillault, L. Daniel, Modelling of Magneto-electric composite structures, European Journal of Electrical Engineering, 12(4):461-474, 2009.

X.Mininger, N. Galopin, X. Ojeda, F. Bouillault, M. Gabsi, Modeling of Magnetoelastic and Piezoelectric Coupling: Application to SRM Noise Damping, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45(3):1218-1221, 2009.

L. Daniel, N. Galopin, A constitutive law for magnetostrictive materials and its application to Terfenol-D single and polycrystals, The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics, 42(2):153-159, 2008.

N. Galopin, X. Mininger, F. Bouillault, L. Daniel, Finite element modelling of magneto-electric sensors, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44(6):834-837, 2008.

X. Mininger, N. Galopin, F. Bouillault, M. Gabsi, Analysis of electromagnetic strains on a structure such as switched reluctance machine, The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics, 39(2):191-196, 2007.

N. Galopin, L. Daniel, F. Bouillault, M. Besbes (2007). Numerical analysis for the design of a magnetoelastic characterization device, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 83(6):44-47, 2007.

N. Galopin, K. Azoum, M. Besbes, F. Bouillault, L. Daniel, O. Hubert, F. Alves (2006). Caractérisation et modélisation des déformations induites par les forces magnétiques et par la magnétostriction. Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique, 9(4):499-514, 2006.

en français

Research Team

Keywords :
Multiphyscics couplings, magneto-mechanical coupling, magneto-electric coupling, modeling, characterisation


G2Elab - ENSE3
Domaine Universitaire
BP 46
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex

Bureau D107

Tél:  +33 (0)4 76 82 71 77
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 63 00