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Reluctool - Pre-sizing and static and dynamic modelling by reluctance networks of electromagnetic systems

We propose to give a way to calculate, with several using levels, the static and dynamic behaviours of electromechanical devices.


RelucTool is based on an analytical formalism (reluctance circuits). In static simulation, it allows to get very fast modelling of devices (e.g. electrical machines) with numerous sizing parameters. It also allows to simulate sensors and actuators in dynamic operating. Thanks to its integrated optimiser, sizing tasks can be carried out with numerous constraints, at a high specification level.


RelucTool approach and finite element approach (e.g. FLUX software) are very complementary. Indeed, finite element simulation gives more accurate results, but needs a stronger computation time.


RelucTool proposes different formalisms:

  • Magnetic part: description of reluctant diagrams (i.e. the paths of the magnetic fluxes) or import of tables from FLUX simulations;
  • Electrical part: electric circuits feeding the coils;
  • Mechanical parts for actuators: characteristics of the resistance forces of the mobile components;
  • Equation editor: to add equations of other sizing constraints.

In transient state, thanks to its solving algorithms with a fixed or adaptive time step, RelucTool deals with electrical discontinuities (diodes, ordered switches) and mechanical discontinuities (resistance forces).


In static or quasi-static state, RelucTool operates with different modules of CADES (simulation, optimisation). Specifically, the software components generated by RelucTool respects ICAR standard.


Evolutions deal with:

  • the portability of models under an explicit form, for example in VHDL-AMS
  • optimisations using dynamic simulation

Date of update November 15, 2018

Université Grenoble Alpes