
The CMF team: Low Magnetic fields

The Technological Research Team CMF is the only French team to work on the problematic of the low magnetic fields applied to the aspects of discretion and electromagnetic detection. The study of such low electromagnetic fields (some hundreds of nanotesla) requires the best expertise in modeling and experimental measurements.

The CMF team is an outcome of the Laboratory of Magnetism of the Ship, (LMN), created in 1948 by Professor Louis NEEL, Nobel Prize for Physics. A close collaboration has been led during more than twenty years between the LMN and the LEG, (Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Grenoble). At the time of the creation of the G2ELab, the LMN became naturally one of its components, named ERT CMF.

Today, the team consists of:
  • 2 Research Engineers,
  • 2 Professors,
  • 1 CNRS Researcher Associate,
  • 6 PhD students.
For modeling activities, our team articulates around a strong collaboration with the G2Elab MAGE team. All the measurements, characterization and experimental validations are carried out in our unique experimental site in France, dedicated to the low magnetic fields: the LMMCF - Low Magnetic Fields Metrology Laboratory. This facility has been developed together with the magnetometry team of the CEA / LETI and the DGA.

A military surface ships model being degaussed in our deperming facility.