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Power Electronics Converters Modeling and Control

Mis à jour le 25 septembre 2013
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Seddik BACHA, Professeur UJF, recherche au G2Elab, Iulian MUNTEANU, Post-doctorant Grenoble-INP, recherche au GIPSA Lab et Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU , Maitre de Conférence Grenoble INP , recherche au GIPSA Lab viennent de publier aux Editions Springer un ouvrage sur la modélisation et la commande des convertisseurs de l'électronique de puissance.

Power Electronics Converters Modeling and Control teaches the reader how to analyze and model the behavior of converters and so to improve their design and control. Dealing with a set of confirmed algorithms specifically developed for use with power converters, this text is in two parts: models and control methods. The first is a detailed exposition of the most usual power converter models:

·        switched and averaged models;

·        small/large-signal models; and

·        time/frequency models.

The second focuses on three groups of control methods:

·        linear control approaches normally associated with power converters;

·        resonant controllers because of their significance in grid-connected applications; and

·        nonlinear control methods including feedback linearization, stabilizing, passivity-based, and variable-structure control.

Extensive case-study illustration and end-of-chapter exercises reinforce the study material.

Power Electronics Converters Modeling and Control addresses the needs of graduate students interested in power electronics, providing a balanced understanding of theoretical ideas coupled with pragmatic tools based on control engineering practice in the field. Academics teaching power electronics will find this an attractive course text and the practical points make the book useful for self tuition by engineers and other practitioners wishing to bring their knowledge up to date.


TABLE OF CONTENTS New Challenges in Power Electronics Systems.- Part I: Modelling of Power Electronics Systems.- Introduction to Power Electronics Modelling.- Switched Model.- Classical Average Model.- Equivalent Average Generator Model.- Generalized Average Model.- Part II: Control of Power Electronics Systems.- General Principles.- Linear Approach.- Linear Control Methods for Grid-connected Converters.- General Overview of Nonlinear Control Methods.- Linearization via Feedback Control.- Stabilization Control.- Passive Control.- Variable-structure Control and Its Associated Sliding Modes.- General Conclusion.

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mise à jour le 25 septembre 2013

Université Grenoble Alpes