The Technological Research Team CMF is the only French team that works on the problem of the low magnetic fields, with applications to the electromagnetic discretion and detection . The study of low electromagnetic fields (a few hundreds of nanotesla) requires strong expertise in modeling and experimental measurements.
Reseach Axes
For several decades, the CMF team has been studying the low magnetic and electric fields, DC to low-frequency in order to reduce, control, and finely analyze the magnetic anomalies. We have studied various devices such as military ships, electric equipments (turbo-alternator, hydrogen fuel cells, electric transformers, electric vehicles), devices embarked in satellites, submarines, planes helicopters...
In order to characterize the sources, we develop numeric models and solve original inverse problems. One of our major assets is the ability to validate our theoretical and numerical studies with specific measurement facilities, in-situ, and our expertise in precise electromagnetic measurement. Often, our two complementary approaches, modeling and measurements, allow us to propose innovative technical solutions for improving, and predict the performance.
The Low Magnetic Fields Metrology Laboratory
The LMMCF is mainly dedicated to very precise measurement, which is necessary to validate the research works carried out by the CMF team of the G2Elab, especially for the magnetic discretion of ships.
Interior view of LMMCF main measurement building
Our collaborations
Our team cooperates with many organisms, universities and companies in France and abroad. We also propose advice and expertise services under public or private partnerships.
Universities public agencies:
DGA Techniques Navales, CEA/LETI, CEA-LITEN, LEPMI, GIPSA-lab
DCNS, CEDRAT, GeoEnergy, Schneider Electric, Arcelor/Mittal, MécaMagnetic, CNES, Alcan, Alstom, PSA, Areva, EDF
A few descriptive illustrations
Diagnosis of a turbo-alternator based on external magnetic field measurements
(Ph.D. Thesis, Viet Phuong BUI)
Diagnosis of a hydrogen fuel-cell based on external magnetic field measurements
Project ANR Omniscient - LEPMI collaboration, CEA Liten, PSA
(Ph.D. Thesis, Mathieu Le NY)
Closed Loop Degaussing demonstrator tested on a submarine hull model.
DCNS collaboration
(Ph.D. Thesis Yannick VUILLERMET)

Group Leaders
Our publications
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presentation of the group